Friday 16 November 2007

The EU and the UK- like the odd couple, but without any good dialogue.

The EU has been in the news a lot, what with the new treaties, calls for referendums and expansion on the forefront. What I hope to do here is engauge in a fireside chat with you the reader about Britain's role with Europe- and particularly why I think much of the fear about Europe is Bullshit.

Firstly, the EU treaty/constitution as it stands is being misinterpreted. It's one thing I actually agree with the current Government about- it's a necessary change, and it will not create a federalised European Superstate. The EU is too burecratically complex to lead to such a development- all this draft does is make some superficial changes to external representation of the EU (So that we have 1 representative figurehead, not 87) and ensures all member states are upto the same level in terms of basic rights (no prejudice, equal trade within Union and opportunities etc.) So that we all strive towards better economic unity- the EU'S FUNCTION!

Secondly, there was a dull, shite and altogether pointless speech made yesterday by either Milliband or Balls (they should really finish thier GCSE's before joining a cabinet) saying that they believe the EU must meet the promise of including Turkey and should seek to take in even Russia and north africa, to expand beyond Europe as a true Union for all nations.

I love this- it's the best way to fulfill the Eu's goals of creating a stronger market prescence for lots of tiny countries. It helps all the same, spreads the improvements around where needed, and seeks to benefit member nations- not directly, but on a structural, behind the scenes way.

Besides, i don't see why so many people hate Europe when all it seeks to do is streamline foriegn affairs locally.

It's better than New fucking labour.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pile of horse shite.