Wednesday 21 November 2007

English Secondary Education: for Dummies

Whilst this doesn't actually refer to the education itself, I aim here to explain just how retarded our countries state education is.

Secondary Education is this country has been created in order to ensure that the maximum number of people alledgedly know the minimum amount of information, so that there are plenty of passes. It's also screwed around with to involve whatever buzzwords are present, and to generally torture any student with grey matter into submission.

Here are some of the finer points of our institutionalised schooling.

1. Coursework

Coursework is the brain child of a bright spark who realised that getting students to devote 90% of thier time to aquiring 20% of the grade would proprotionately increase success. This was hidden by the facade of it being practical. Shovelling shit out of drains is "Practical" but it doesn't make it nice. The overiding joy of coursework of course, is that this practicality largely consists of illicit help from teachers and plagurism- but at least sudents can sell old coursework on e-bay for a princely sum- and then get their own grades torn up three years later when it emerges that they're cheating.

2."Funky" Subjects

The Government races to create new "Exciting Subjects", but without a use. "Leisure and Tourism." What kind of a fucking subject is that? Where will I ever use such a narrowly applicable subject? What about doing Geography and Business? Would that surely not transfer all relevant knowledge and have broader application? These subjects are also generally the worst offenders for coursework and are some of the most difficult as they are as ambiguous as seeing a time-travelling pope fight to the death with Bhudda before attending a Marilyn Manson Concert! Daft analogies aside, what's wrong with real subjects? They are actually generally easier, and people get better results in them!


There are many great teachers. Kudo's too you! Their are also many spineless wankers who do nothing more than rot minds, waste talent and effectively screw the taxpayer up ass, by taking thier pay from us, for bad, or in some cases non-exsistant teaching.

4.Target Setting

Ah... is there anything to drive the mentally insane to commit even greater attrocities than being told that they didn't meet thier SMART targets and that consequentially they need to re-engineer thier core principles for maximum improvement. Fuck off. I'm not changing anything untill I have some respect for those telling me to change.

Rant over. ARGH!

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