Thursday 6 September 2007

Democracy. Pfff.

I am an enemy of democracy, free world! That's right! I think democracy sucks ass, and is as flawed as a dictatorship if not moreso.

Before you call me a madman, lunatic or ignorant prick let me explain the illsuion that is freedom and choice, and why our democratic origins aren't as great as we think.

The reason I dislike democracy was first postulated by Socrates, back when Ancient Athens democracy was the first of it's kind. He came up with a very important thought, which pretty much pulls the floor from under the feet of our Western Democratic ideals.

Everyone's vote isn't equal.

Yep, sorry to you wishy washy idealists, it isn't. His point was thus:
1) Everyone has a right to vote. Theyr'e counted as equal.
2) Everyones reason for voting are different, and the strength of thier decision and the amount of thought they put into thier vote for the best purpose vary.
3) Therefor, those with consideration and thought are superior to those cast for the sake of it by inbred fucks in 4x4's.

It's simple, really. People who vote out of a genuine belief to get the best governement, can just as easily be canceled out by those who vote and just pick the name they like. Of course, this assumes there are more idiots than intelligencia. Look around you at society. Yes, are votes are squandered.

We shouldn't all have the right to vote on matters we don't understand. We shouldn't all be counted as equal. We shouldn't all be forced to vote.

Democracy has a strength, that it can block real idiocy. In theory. The weimar republic prooved that democracy can be just as dangerous as a dictatorship, if the circumstances are right. The problem there is as it is today. People are influenced by what theyr'e told, and if they are given enough carrot for too long, too frequently, they won't question it. Acceptance is the easy way.

However, that just makes democracy as bad as a non democracy. Dictatorships can work- monarchies occasionally made very wise, cunning decisions. They say power corrupts, but it can be used well by single leaders, and can function admirably.

The annoyance have with democracy, is that it underpins 21st century western civilisation as if it is the only successful form of government that can exsist, and the best possible that can be concieved. I find it amusing that a 2,500 year old idea from a bunch of crazy dead guys is our best, most inovative idea for government! If thought about, there are other alterantives that can be thrashed out.

For example, with a governemtn, you want a strong leader, who will seek to strengthen the weak points within a country, as well as lending out some help internationally. You want someone who is considerate, wise, smart, honest and charismatic. You will never get such a character through the democratic political system.

What is needed is a system that finds the infallible people, no matter how differeing thier opinions, and puts them in charge, with strong opposition among themselves, until the best wins. You need strong characters, yet those who can be swayed by reason. You need people who would always be willing to adhere to a framework for decision making, but always have the right intentions.

Could a form of Governement be created where people such as this are selected and trained? It would destroy our illusion of freedom, and that anyone can achieve anything. But according to Phyisists, our actions in the universe are pre-determined anyway, and no matter what we think, we can't change our fate.

So, may as well. Why put up a false, broken facade of freedom, in place of a working system?

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